Fast Delivery |
Multiple Retailers |
In todays world their really is no guarantee the shops will be open, let alone have the item you want in stock. With our service you can find the item you want & get it the following day, without having to leave the comfort of your own home.
Easy to useOnce you subscribe you will receive a unique code that you put in the discount code box of any partner retailer & you instantly get free next day delivery making sure the system is simple to use no matter where you shop from
Unlike other next day delivery subscription services, our service entitles you to Free Next Delivery across multiple stores, helping re-vitalise competition in the industry plus save you money & get fast delivery.
Test the futureWith My Parcel Club you get a taste of the future of retail that Package Pass hopes to bring & by helping us test everything you're ensuring that when the full service launches everything works in tip top condition.
ConsumerIf your a consumer & wish to sign up click on the link below to subscribe, alternatively if you wish to wait until Package Pass is fully launched click on the Register with Package Pass button to be alerted when the full service is launched.
RetailerIf your a retailer & wish to offer Package Pass on your store click on the link bellow to register, alternatively if you want to sign up & start offering next day delivery today click on the button to sign up your store to the My Parcel Club Trial.
©2022, My Parcel Club- Part of the Dunn Group LTD.